New views of Concepcion

Yesterday’s downlink of images from Oppy included some really nice Left and Right pairs that enabled me to make some new – and very detailed – 3D images. I hope you all enjoy walking around these scattered, jumbled rocks…

This one I particularly like; as has been pointed out by some other members of the UMSF forum, it looks a lot like Oppy has taken a wrong turn somewhere (and suddenly found a previously-hidden supercharged engine or a warp drive!) and driven to the Viking 2 landing site on Utopia Planitia…!

( Viking 2 view of Utopia Plainitia for comparison )

All the new 3D images can be stitched together to make a rather snazzy panorama, too, which you can see here…

… and finally… I’m always pleased when my humble image-making efforts result in something that’s half-decent, not blurred, aligned pretty well and worth sharing with others. And it’s gratifying that quite a few people seem to like my pictures. But compared to what other “Image Mages” can do with the raw data from the rovers, I’m an absolute beginner. Some of the best Mars images I’ve ever seen – in many cases they’re better than the official images released by NASA – are made by UMSF’s James Canvin, and he’s just posted a new colourised image of Concepcion Crater which you really need to see. Here’s where you can find it:

To quote the great KSR…

On Mars… on Mars… on Mars…


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